Do You Put the Lid on A Fire Pit While Burning?

There are many ways to start a fire in the backyard. One of the most popular is by using an open pit. For this type of fire, you would need a lid that can cover your pit area and protect it from rain or snow. What this means for you is that you will have to buy one before starting to use your new outdoor fireplace kit.

Is It Necessary to Close a Fire Pit While It’s Being Used?

It depends on the type of lid. If it’s a metal lid, then you shouldn’t put it on the fire pit while it’s burning because the heat will cause the metal to expand and could damage the lid or the fire pit. If it’s a ceramic or stone lid, then you can put it on the fire pit while it’s burning.

Types of Firepit Covers

There are several different types of fire pit covers.

  1. Metal Snuffer Lids – This is a metal lid that has a spade shape with the blade pointed out over the pit. When you’re done using your fire, you would cover it and then use this tool to push down on the hot wood in order to prevent burning embers from flying up and causing damage outside of your pit area. The handle is usually long so you can keep your distance from the fire.
  2. Metal Screens – This is a metal screen that fits right on top of the pit and you can use it while burning because there’s no chance of flames reaching up to the sides and starting a fire on your porch or in your backyard. It also helps stop embers from flying out over the sides of the pit.
  3. Stone or Ceramic Lids – You can use these lids while your fire is burning. The stone or ceramic material also helps prevent embers from flying out over the sides of the pit.

Do Fire Pits Need Coverings?

It depends on the fire pit type, where it’s located, and what materials are around it. If it’s located near your house or other things around your yard, then you might need a fire pit cover. If it’s located in the middle of a field or grassy area, then you don’t need a fire pit cover.

Gas Fire Pits – No, these don’t need a cover. However, they do need to be monitored closely when they are in use.

Wood Burning Pits – No, these don’t require a cover either because the wood burns at lower temperatures.

Metal Fire Pits – A metal fire pit doesn’t need a cover because there’s no danger of flames reaching up and starting a fire around the home.

Ceramic Fire Pits – You can use these fire pits without covers for wood or charcoal, but you might want to put one on if you’re using it for propane in order to stop embers from flying over the sides of the pit.

Do You Put the Lid on A Fire Pit

For most types of fire pits, it depends on what type of lid is being used and where it’s located in your backyard. For a metal lid, they shouldn’t be placed on top while they’re burning, or else you could damage the lid or the fire pit. If you’re using a ceramic or stone lid, then you can use it while the fire is burning because they are heat-resistant.

For gas and wood-burning pits, no covers are required. For propane pits, you might want to consider putting one on for safety reasons in order to protect surrounding objects from embers that could fly over the sides of the fire pit. For metal and ceramic pits, you can use them without covers during the burning time because the material they’re made from helps stop flames from reaching up high enough to cause damage around your yard.

What Are the Risks of Not Having Cover for My Fire Pit?

Not using a cover for your fire pit can cause damage to surrounding objects or even start a fire somewhere else in your yard. Firepit covers can also help reduce the risk of embers flying over the sides and starting a fire on your porch or in your yard.

What Should I Do Before I Cover?

You should always make sure the fire is completely out and there’s no heat coming from it before you cover up your fire pit.


Whether you need a fire pit cover depends on the type of fire pit that’s being used and where it’s located. You should always make sure your fire is completely out before shutting down your pit for good.

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Adam Mors

Adam Mors

This blog is my attempt to share my expertise and knowledge with the rest of the world.

My main purpose is to assist as many individuals as possible, in making their outdoor areas look just as good and beautiful as they can – with only the greatest products.

About Me

My name is Adam Mors. This blog is my attempt to share my expertise and knowledge with the rest of the world.

My main purpose is to assist as many individuals as possible, in making their outdoor areas look just as good and beautiful as they can – with only the greatest products.

Thank you for taking the time to visit, and if you have any more queries, please do not hesitate to email me. 

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