There are many types of wood that can be burned in a fire pit. Some work better than others. The best type of wood to burn in your fire pit will depend on what you are using it for. Some types of wood will produce more heat than others. Other types of burning woods, such as some fruit woods, might add a nice flavor to the food that you are cooking on the fire at the same time.
This article provides some information about different types of burning wood and what they work best for. Some may be better than others in various situations and some may be better than others for burning in fire pits.
What Is Firewood?
Firewood is the term used to describe fire-burning logs or pieces of wood that are used to make a fire. Some types of wood are better to use for making fires than others.
What is Hardwood?
Hardwood is wood that comes from deciduous trees, which are trees that lose their leaves every year. Examples of hardwood include oak, maple, hickory, beech, and birch. These types of wood have been used as fuel for centuries because they burn very slowly and provide a lot of heat.
What is Softwood?
Softwood includes trees such as pines and firs. These trees do not lose their leaves, so they keep growing year after year. Softwood is often used for construction purposes because it burns quickly and doesn’t give off much heat because of the resins in the wood.
What Type of Wood Burns Best?
The best type of wood to burn in your fire pit will depend on what you are using it for. Some wood types will produce more heat than others. Other types of burning woods, such as some fruit woods, might add a nice flavor to the food that you are cooking on the fire at the same time.
Hardwood – This is one of the best wood to burn in your fire bowl. Most hardwoods that are available locally will provide a nice, long-lasting fire with good heat output. Examples would include oak, maple, hickory, beech, and birch. The only downside is that some types of these woods might have a tendency to pop when burned because they contain sap.
Softwood – This type of wood is not as good for burning in a fire pit. Softwoods such as pine and fir burn very quickly and put out little heat. They also tend to pop when burned, which can be dangerous if children are nearby.
Fruit Woods – Some fruit woods, such as apple and cherry, make excellent burning woods because they put out a nice, fruity fragrance and also produce a lot of heat. They are best used in an indoor fire pit or fireplace.
Ash Wood – This is one of the best firewood to burn in your fire pit because it burns very hot, produces little smoke, and tends not to pop.
Pine Wood – Pine is probably the worst type of wood to burn in a fire pit for several reasons. The resins in pine will make it hard to get your fire started, cause popping and spitting while burning, and produce a lot of smoke.
Oak Wood – This is one of the best firewood to burn in your fire pit because it burns very hot, produces little smoke, and tends not to pop.
Maple Wood – Maple is one of the best firewood to burn in your fire pit because it burns very hot, produces little smoke, and tends not to pop.
Beech Wood – Beech is another excellent wood for burning in a fire pit or fireplace. It will provide a long-lasting fire with good heat output and does not tend to pop.
Birch Wood – Birch is also an excellent wood for burning in a fire pit because it burns very hot, produces little smoke, and tends not to pop. However, some types of birch have a tendency to spark when burned.
Cherry – Cherry is one of the best types of wood to burn in your fire pit because it burns very hot, produces little smoke, and tends not to pop. It also smells great that adds to the ambiance.
Elm Wood – Elm is an OK type of wood to use for burning in a fire pit because it will provide enough heat output. The biggest problem with burning elm is that it tends to spit and pop when burned.
Green-Wood – The greenwood from hardwood trees is not a good type of wood to burn in your fire pit. It will produce smoke and very little heat output.
Driftwood – Driftwood is not very good for burning in your fire pit because it will produce smoke and very little heat output.
Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus is not a good type of wood to burn in your firepit because it will produce more smoke than heat. However, eucalyptus can be burned if you need to repel insects, such as mosquitoes.
Bigleaf Maple – Bigleaf Maple is not a good type of wood to burn in your firepit because it will produce more smoke than heat.
Redwood – Redwood is not very good for burning because it has too much pitch and sap to make an interesting burning wood. It also makes a lot of popping and spitting while burning.
Canary Wood – Canary Wood is not very good because it does not produce much heat and will cause lots of popping and spitting.
Bamboo – Bamboo is one of the worst types of burning wood to use in your firepit because it doesn’t produce any heat at all.
Apple Wood – Apple Wood is one of the best burning woods for your firepit because it burns for a long time and will produce a nice fruity smell.
Oak, maple, beech, and birch are the best types of wood to burn in your firepit. They will provide you with lots of heat, a long-lasting fire, and they tend not to pop while burning.
What is Seasoned Wood?
Seasoned wood refers to the process of drying wood before it is burned so that it will burn better and produce more heat. The water must be removed from the wood until the moisture content is reduced to 30% or less before it will burns hot. Firewood that is stacked and covered with a tarp on a dry area will season faster than if it is just left lying out in the open air. Seasoned firewood can be identified by its split ends because this means that the water was able to escape from the wood.
Difference Between Hard Woods and Soft Woods
Hardwoods and softwoods both burn, but they do so differently. Hardwood is usually denser than softwood and will produce more heat when burned. Softwoods such as pine and fir burn very quickly and put out little heat. They also tend to pop when burned, which can be dangerous if children are nearby. In general, hardwood burns longer and produces more heat than softwood. Hardwoods also burn hotter, which makes them ideal for firepits.
Hardwoods tend to be the best choice of wood if you are going to be burning it in a fireplace or firepit because they produce a lot of heat and tend not to pop when burned. The only downside is that some types of hardwood can be very expensive. Softwoods, on the other hand, tend to be less expensive and burn quickly. They are a great choice for campfires or bonfires.
Make Sure Your FirePit is Safe For Burning These DANGEROUS ITEMS
Here is a list of items that should not be burned in your firepit:
- Toxic or hazardous materials: Chemicals and other toxic or hazardous substances will produce poisonous gas when burned. This can be very dangerous, especially if these fumes are inhaled by pets or children who are nearby.
- Electronics: Electronic devices such as circuit boards and DVD players contain extremely toxic chemicals that should never be burned in a firepit. Burning these dangerous materials can release dangerous smoke or fumes into the air.
- Composite wood: Some composite woods are made with dangerous chemicals, including formaldehyde, which is known to cause cancer in humans. Do not burn composite wood in your firepit.
In addition to these items, never burn any type of rubber or plastic in a firepit. Burning rubber and plastics can release a noxious gas that is very dangerous for humans and pets to inhale.
How To Keep Your Firewood Burning Properly
There are a few secrets to keeping your firewood burning hot and producing lots of heat for as long as possible. Here they are:
Store your wood in a dry area: Wet, unseasoned firewood will not burn hot or last very long. Make sure the wood you store is properly seasoned so it doesn’t contain a lot of moisture.
Stack the wood off the ground to allow airflow: Make sure that your firewood is stacked off of the floor, whether it’s in a shed outside or inside your home. Wood needs airflow to help it dry out completely. If you are stacking the wood indoors, make sure you don’t place it too close to any walls or other obstructions.
Make sure the logs are not too large to fit into your firepit: If you have trouble getting larger pieces of wood to fit inside your pit, try splitting them in half with an axe or other tool so they will fit. You can also stack smaller pieces of wood on top of any pieces that are too large to easily place within the firepit.
How to Use Your Firewood More Efficiently
The best way to make sure your firewood is as efficient as possible is by learning how to correctly stack it. Here’s what you need to do:
Stack the wood off the floor of your shed or another storage area so airflow can reach all sides of the pieces of wood. Make sure there are no gaps between the stacks so the air can circulate freely.
Stack the wood so air can pass through it easily. Avoid letting the pieces of wood touch one another too closely, which will cut down on airflow. When stacking firewood in a shed or other indoor storage area, make sure to place it near a wall but not too close to allow airflow throughout the stack of wood.
The best way to ensure your firewood will burn hot and for a long period of time is by stacking it properly. Stacking smaller pieces on top of larger logs can also increase the airflow to the wood inside the pit, which will make it burn hotter and last longer.
When stacking firewood indoors, avoid placing any stacks near walls or other obstructions. Allow space in between stacks so the airflow can circulate to all pieces of wood.
There Are A Few Alternatives To Traditional Firewood For Your Firepit.
These options can be safer and easier for some people to use:
Electric or gas logs: These logs burn hot and clean, and they eliminate the need to handle firewood. However, you won’t get that authentic burning log look unless you add in some wood.
Charcoal: This is a good option if you want a similar effect as burning wood, but you don’t want to have to stack or handle firewood.
Wood pellets: These are another great option for people who hate the idea of putting wood in a firepit. These small, lightweight pellets burn cleanly and easily create the same atmosphere as burning logs in your outdoor fireplace. However, they can be quite expensive if you buy them in large quantities.
How Do You Keep Firewood Dry?
The best way to keep your wood dry is by storing it in a covered area that will not allow rainfall or moisture into the wood. Firewood should also never be stacked against walls since moisture can accumulate there over time. If you are stacking your wood indoors, be sure to place it near an open space so the air can circulate.
When stacking firewood indoors, make sure there is enough room for airflow to reach all sides of the stacks. Never stack firewood next to walls or other obstructions since moisture can collect against them over time.
What Wood Should You Not Burn In A Firepit?
Here’s a list of items that you should never burn in your firepit:
Composite wood: This type of wood can release dangerous chemicals into the air when it is burned. It has been known to cause cancer in humans and other health issues, so you should keep this type of wood completely away from your firepit.
Smoldering items such as newspapers and magazines: These items can cause a fire if they stay in your fire pit too long before you light the wood.
Household trash: Never burn any garbage, because it can contaminate the air and increase the potential for a house fire in the future.
Building materials: Materials like plywood or particleboard can also cause a potential fire hazard if burned in your pit. Also avoid burning any wooden pallets, since they are often treated with chemicals that can be dangerous to inhale.
These items can all pose serious hazards when burned inside of your firepit. Be sure you never use any of these types of wood, household trash, or other items in your outdoor fireplace.
What Is The Hottest Burning Wood?
The hottest burning firewood is usually either applewood or maple. These woods both tend to burn at high temperatures, and they produce very little smoke as well as crackling sounds as they burn. Some other woods that burn hot include ash and oak.
Harsh-smelling types of wood: Birch, pine, spruce, and cedar all have strong smells that may be unpleasant during the night. Some of these woods also produce sparks when they burn, which can be dangerous when your firepit is in close proximity to your home or other structures.
Can You Use Duraflame Logs in a Fire Pit?
Duraflame logs are chemically treated and compressed logs that lack the nutrients necessary to help them burn. They also can’t be stacked like traditional firewood, which means they won’t burn as long as other types of wood will. If you choose to use these logs in your fire pit, be sure to avoid stacking them too tightly, or else you won’t get the maximum amount of heat from them.
Is Duraflame Better than Wood?
Duraflame is better than firewood if you are looking for an easy way to get a fire pit started. However, there are many disadvantages of using these logs as well. They do not offer the same amount of heat or warmth that is provided by regular types of firewood, and they can’t be stacked like traditional firewood either.
As you know in the introduction, there are a lot of different types of woods that can be used to burn in a firepit. In this article, we talked about some key points for selecting good quality firewood and how to keep your wood-burning properly throughout the cold-weather season.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of every type of firewood that can be burned in a firepit, but it does include most of the options you will encounter. If you have questions about burning firewood in your fireplace or firepit, feel free to ask us in the comments section.